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What would you do if you were brave?

blog passion Sep 20, 2022

What would you do if you were brave?

The question needs time to marinate. As I begin to think about my response, my thoughts reflect— let’s be honest— back down of path of missed opportunities and things I should have done for others.

As well, my most vulnerable thoughts expose the timidity I have to confront the obvious in my life and in my responsibilities. I don’t always step up to the plate. I hesitate.

In other words, I can be un-brave.


Bravery is a word that could lead to several meanings and emotions. I think we all see ourselves as warriors and ready to step into the fight to protect and honor those that we see as weak or being overran.

However, often we are only imagining what could be in lieu of choosing what is directly before us. We may even want to confuse our on timidness with fear.


Fear of what?

Outcome, consequences, additional hardship, lost relationships, conflict?

Fear means scared?


Or, often as leaders and influencers we are actually timid, it is more of a concern of being right or wrong.

Maybe a search for a guarantee other than risk?

Unsure of what others will think?

Or, maybe we flat out don’t know what to do.


So how do we answer the question, “What would you do if you were brave?”



This post comes from Alan Friday, a coach with CourageToLead. 

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