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How to Leverage Mother's Day to Reach New Families

Jul 26, 2023

Mother's Day is just a couple days away. Is your church prepared?
As your team approaches this memorable weekend, consider these tips to help you honor the moms in your congregation & leverage the day to bring momentum to your ministry. 

1. Add one special touch

A simple example: Have guys from student ministry serve Moms Dove chocolates from platters in the lobby. Have the guys dress up. It's a small/inexpensive touch that makes every Mom feel special. To guests, it sets your church apart as one who honors people and has fun.

2. Offer family photos

Nothing marks the day better than a family picture. Set up multiple spots for photo booths. 3 keys to making this work: 1) Have a professional photographer. Spend the money if you don't have someone in your church. 2) A second person can help move things along and take pictures with phones. 3) Brand the church somehow with Backdrops or Pop Signs.

3. Acknowledge those who may be in pain

Not every person in the crowd is excited about Mother's Day. It reminds some of pain or loss. Some people live miles from their mom or children, have lost a mom this year, or are reminded of their painful relationships with a parent.

4. Encourage hurting people.

Don't bend the entire service around it but let them know you see them & God is with them in their pain. 1 or 2 sentences of acknowledgement helps them feel included in the day.

5. Serve Moms who may feel forgotten

Consider hosting a baby shower for unwed mothers partnering with a local crisis pregnancy center. Provide the opportunity to make a difference in simple ways that combat complex problems.

6. Treat it like an event
Guests & unchurched people may give your church a chance on Mother’s Day. Before they visit physically, they will visit digitally. Create a page on your website for Mother's Day that answers all questions ahead of time. Your congregation can share it w/ friends on socials.
God can use Mother’s Day weekend. Get your church prepared inside & out. 

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