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Revelation of Your Identity Resolves Everything Else (Sermon)

sermon of the week video Apr 04, 2022

“Your identity is built around whatever the most important person in your life thinks about you,” Clayton says.

Think about it. 

We chase stuff, look for accolades, desire to achieve… and even do the heavy work of ministry all in an effort to please ______________________.

And, in fact, unless you resolve that you REALLY ARE who God says you are, you’ll seek to shore up that identity through externals.

The solution?

👉 Remember who you are.

👉 Release the expectations others— and yourself have placed upon  you.

👉 Receive the love of your good, good Father.

Then, do the work of ministry— perhaps even the same things you were already doing— from the right motivation, from a pure heart, as an overflow of what’s been placed in you.



This talk was given at the first-ever Courageous Pastors Gathering on February 22, 2022.

Learn more about The Gathering here = 


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