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The Lie: You Can't Trust God (Sermon)

(coach) danny anderson sermon of the week Feb 14, 2022

The Lie is that we can’t trust God. 

And that lie goes back… way back… all the way to the beginning of the Biblical narrative. 

In this message, Danny Anderson explains that, sure, tough times come. And we don’t want to diminish the reality of them.

Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble” (John 16:33).

It’s a certainty.

But we’re also promised that all things— though all things aren’t good— will work together for the good (see Romans 8:28). And that He will transition all things towards “beautiful in their time” (Ecclesiastes 3:11).

Danny talks here about what it means to— amidst the grind of life— thrive with God.


This message was originally preached at Emmanuel Church on September 7, 2021, where Danny Anderson is the senior pastor. 

The church = 

Danny’s coaching page, where you can learn more about Danny + find links to other talks and resources here. 



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