Free Strategy Session
Three Ways to Prepare for Momentum *systems blog


Every leader, team and organization wants it.

Yet, as much as it is sought after and worked for, Momentum often remains elusive.

The truth is…

  • Momentum does not come easily.
  • ...
The Lie: You Can't Trust God (Sermon) (coach) danny anderson sermon of the week

The Lie is that we can’t trust God. 

And that lie goes back… way back… all the way to the beginning of the Biblical narrative. 

In this message, Danny Anderson...

You can’t lead well if you can’t laugh well (w/ Andy Heis) podcast

Andy Heis started Desperation Church just a handful of years ago in the Cullman area.

He worked for 12 years in another church— the same one where he’d been saved. It was, he says, an...

How to Have Meetings That Matter *team blog


I know.

That might sound like a SNOOZER of a topic. But, watch— or read— on. I promise. You’ll realize, within the next five minutes, how meetings can become a...

Upgrade (Sermon) (coach) mike ash sermon of the week

We upgrade everything in our lives— our homes, our cars, our gadgets.

But, what about ourselves?

Usually, when we “upgrade” a thing, we replace the old with a newer, cleaner...

Five Tendencies That Sabotage Our Team Building *team blog

Years ago I got in great shape doing a workout called P90X.

Every day I allowed a maniac fitness guru on the video screen to torture me for a solid hour.

While I was in pretty good shape to...

What About That Plank In Your Own Eye? (Sermon) (coach) kevin lloyd sermon of the week

In this message Kevin Lloyd, the Executive Pastor of Ministries at LifePoint Church (Wilmington, North Carolina), picks up mid-stream in the series at his church, “That’s What He...

Healthy churches impact cities; but healthy churches need healthy families (w/ Rodney Gage) podcast

Rodney and his wife lead ReThink Life Church, as well as Family Shift.

One of the biggest reasons people need a shift?

In a word, drift… 


Drift works like this…

