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5 Marks of a First Class Executive *culture *team video

Let’s discuss what it means to be “first class,” because this is who YOU need to be. And, this is how you need to think in terms of WHO you bring on your team.

If you’ve...

Accountability = One Improvement That Drives Results *systems *team blog people priorities video

Can I be gut-level honest with you?

I see far too many leaders shy away from something that really hurts their team.

What is it?

Confronting poor performance or poor behavior.

Possibly flowing from...

Teachability = The Can't Miss Quality When Promoting From Within *team blog

In today’s reality of shrinking budgets and uncertain futures, many organizations we are coaching are promoting leaders from within rather than making outside hires.

As part of our framework...

Build "one pizza" teams throughout your organization *team

Do you have too many direct reports?

You may…

In fact, you probably do…

Here’s a tip.


Build a one-pizza team for every team you have

Here’s what that means =...

How to Build a Gut-Level Honest Team *team video

Most team members are big liars to each other!

Or, to say it another way-- Most teams are not completely honest with each other.


Because most leaders don’t set the pace for...

How to get and keep great talent *team video

Your success as a leaders is largely dependent on your team. 

A great team helps you AMPLIFY your efforts and achieve more while stressing less.

This means you need to constantly think about...

How to Have Meetings That Matter *team blog


I know.

That might sound like a SNOOZER of a topic. But, watch— or read— on. I promise. You’ll realize, within the next five minutes, how meetings can become a...

Five Tendencies That Sabotage Our Team Building *team blog

Years ago I got in great shape doing a workout called P90X.

Every day I allowed a maniac fitness guru on the video screen to torture me for a solid hour.

While I was in pretty good shape to...
