Marriage is hard.
One of the (many) things that make it hard is our expectations. We all walk into relationships with a load of expectations— of what we want the others to do for us.
In this message, Mike Ash, a campus pastor at Grace Family Church in the Tampa area, kicks off a series targeted towards men (a series titled “Fight”).
The goal of the series...
The Lie is that we can’t trust God.
And that lie goes back… way back… all the way to the beginning of the Biblical narrative.
In this message, Danny Anderson...
We upgrade everything in our lives— our homes, our cars, our gadgets.
But, what about ourselves?
Usually, when we “upgrade” a thing, we replace the old with a newer, cleaner...
In this message Kevin Lloyd, the Executive Pastor of Ministries at LifePoint Church (Wilmington, North Carolina), picks up mid-stream in the series at his church, “That’s What He...
The Lie is that we should be mad…
… at the externals happening around us.
But, when we step back and understand the source of what’s occurring— and why— we see...
Everything in the Bible points to Jesus. And, more specifically, now He intersects our lives.
Every prophecy, every idea… every story.
The truth is that our redemption was planned from the...
During the summer of 2021, LifePoint Church used “songs” as the basis of their message series. In fact, Psalms is such a thing…
… a songbook in the middle of the...