Yes, lead from your strength. But realize that organizations stop growing-- or start growing slower-- because of their weak points. 

The Gears of Growth Framework pinpoints the area that needs your attention, so you can gain-- or sustain-- momentum and forward progress.

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Any cog— or gear— in your car’s engine can keep the entire vehicle at a standstill. Or cause it to move slower.

(When the gears all work in alignment and move in sync, the results are fabulous!)

The result is that you go farther, faster, with less effort…

In the same way, there are three gears in your organization. We call them the Organizational Gears of Growth. 

The gears are—

  •  Culture = the place you work
  •  Systems = the processes you use to get things done
  •  Team = the people 

Access the video overviews here + take and re-take the online assessments to gauge your progress. 


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