4 Benefits of Making Tough Decisions *systems people

Almost every family has at some point been paralyzed by a decision as simple as which restaurant to eat at?

Ever been there?

At some point, even the most trivial decision can slow us up, yet the...

The Discipline of Celebration blog passion

I have a confession. 

I am a recovering perfectionist. By nature things are rarely ever “good enough.” I did say I am recovering. I have grown tremendously in this area. 


4 Ways to Become a More Disciplined Person *systems priorities progress

I actually don’t consider myself to be an extremely disciplined person. However, the people who know me best say I am one of the most disciplined people they know!

I will say I have worked...

How to Be a Do-What-You-Say-You-Will-Do Person blog priorities video

Ever heard a good leader say, “Don’t do what I do, do what I say?”

Umm… no!

We want to be people who have complete alignment between what we say and what we do…


Revelation of Your Identity Resolves Everything Else (Sermon) sermon of the week video

“Your identity is built around whatever the most important person in your life thinks about you,” Clayton says.

Think about it. 

We chase stuff, look for accolades, desire to...

How to Build a Gut-Level Honest Team *team video

Most team members are big liars to each other!

Or, to say it another way-- Most teams are not completely honest with each other.


Because most leaders don’t set the pace for...

Let's Start a Movement (Sermon) sermon of the week video

Some things need to change. 

First, we need to create a culture in which others can approach us— and point out our blind spots. 

(Several pastors have disqualified themselves over...

Don’t take it personal, but make it personal (w/ Pastor Quovadis Marshall) (coach) quovadis marshall podcast

Pastor Q always knew— since he was first called— he would plant a church in his hometown.

The church has just completed its sixth year.

In his own words, “It’s been both...
