4 Secrets to Finishing Well passion purpose video

One of the biggest leadership lies sounds like, “Once we get to here, things will be easier.”

Now obviously your “here” is different than mine, but we’ve all had that...

3 Ways to Make Your Week More Productive (coach) kevin lloyd priorities purpose

My youngest daughter was a decent basketball player early on... but the team she was on was fantastic!

The reason was her coach. This lady taught, loved and lead those girls in ways I learned from....

3 Indicators of a Healthy Pastor (coach) shawn lovejoy priorities purpose

When I coach, my goal is to facilitate leadership growth and church health for pastors.

There’s a big word in there: Health

Health is a big deal to me. In my family, my ministry, my...

10 Reasons Every Leader Needs a Coach (coach) shawn lovejoy purpose

I find it hard to believe that I have already been coaching pastors for twenty years. 

However, when I am speaking to a group of leaders, I will often say, “If you hear me something and...
