4 Foundational Requirements for Leadership *team blog people

Every leader wants to build great teams, develop more leaders, and make an impact.

As you can tell if you search “leadership” on Amazon or any podcast platform… there are endless...

3 Common Traits of Elite Leaders blog people priorities

Want to be an elite leader?

If you’re reading this post, my gut tells me your answer is a resounding, “Yes!”

Most leaders want to improve and few want to settle which leads to a...

Hiring & Firing 101 *systems *team people video

In this special Zoom, William Vanderbloemen shared several points about Hiring & Firing. And, although this video was originally recorded to teach ministry leaders, it applies to everyone.


Dealing with Critics, Critiques, and Haters people video

One of the realities of leadership is that you WILL face opposition. 


There are two things leaders do which open them to criticism. 


#1 = Leaders clearly COMMUNICATE vision

Accountability = One Improvement That Drives Results *systems *team blog people priorities video

Can I be gut-level honest with you?

I see far too many leaders shy away from something that really hurts their team.

What is it?

Confronting poor performance or poor behavior.

Possibly flowing from...

How to Develop Leaders at Every Level of Your Organization people

There are two categories of team members— products and projects. 

Products are seasoned leaders, with experience, who can “plug and play” anywhere. They can hit the ground...

4 Benefits of Making Tough Decisions *systems people

Almost every family has at some point been paralyzed by a decision as simple as which restaurant to eat at?

Ever been there?

At some point, even the most trivial decision can slow us up, yet the...

Y is for "Yes" people priorities

We live in a “me-centered” society. 

“Take care of self” and “Look out for #1″ are phrases we’ve all heard tossed around, right? 

Sounds good in...

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