What people want from leaders during a crisis blog progress

This post was originally published March 25, 2020, during the Covid-19 pandemic. However, it is equally applicable for leadership in all times and seasons. 


No one knows how long the...

3 ways to lead through times of fear & uncertainty blog progress

Note: this post was originally published during the Covid-19 pandemic, ca March 2020.


"We have never seen anything like this."

At the time of this writing, the COVID-19 Virus has been...

What to remember when we want to retreat blog passion progress

Not long ago I experienced several days of being ill. 

  • Sick
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Headache
  • Cough
  • Snot-- lots of snot

Sorry, I am just being real with you. 


I felt awful. I didn’t...

When things haven't met your expectations blog passion priorities progress

Every person on the globe has somehow been affected by the events of the past few years... 

A pandemic.

Racial turmoil.

Economic uncertainty.

A contentious-- and then contested-- Presidential...

Reframing Failure progress

In the words of Kenny Rogers, “You gotta know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em.”

Often times, as leaders, when we see things fading or dying, we take it...

How to Cast an Inspiring Vision *culture priorities progress

At the core of leadership, is the power of vision. And in my estimation, that’s the most potent offensive weapon in the leader’s arsenal.

Solomon said, "We're there is no vision, people...

Restructure Your Time and Achieve More with Less Stress priorities progress video

Structure has a lot do with what happens in your organization. And, we want to structure for growth AND peace… not just one or the other.

Here’s reality…

The most difficult...

4 Ways to Become a More Disciplined Person *systems priorities progress

I actually don’t consider myself to be an extremely disciplined person. However, the people who know me best say I am one of the most disciplined people they know!

I will say I have worked...

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