How to design a healthy culture *culture blog video

Your organization WILL have a culture. Furthermore, it will happen by design (with intention) or default (by an unintentional drift). A culture happens every single day, regardless of whether you...

How to protect the vision *culture blog video

A healthy system requires two things: 

  1. Clarity = A clear picture of what we’re trying to achieve 
  2. Accountability = Actually implementing the action steps required to do reach that...
How to restructure your systems so they work *systems blog video

Every organization is structured perfectly for the results it’s getting now. 

So, if your’e not growing… 

… and if you’re not sensing PEACE in your...

How to become a more disciplined leader blog priorities video

Every great leader I know has two primary characteristics:

  • They have clear goals, and 
  • They are disciplined

Goals are like a magnet— they pull us onward and upward. The stronger they...

Hiring & Firing 101 *systems *team people video

In this special Zoom, William Vanderbloemen shared several points about Hiring & Firing. And, although this video was originally recorded to teach ministry leaders, it applies to everyone.


4 Secrets to Finishing Well passion purpose video

One of the biggest leadership lies sounds like, “Once we get to here, things will be easier.”

Now obviously your “here” is different than mine, but we’ve all had that...

The Best Gift You Can Give Your Team *culture *team video

What’s the best gift your team could give you?

We think about that— a lot. And, most leaders agree: 

“Follow through. I want them to do what they’re supposed to...

Dealing with Critics, Critiques, and Haters people video

One of the realities of leadership is that you WILL face opposition. 


There are two things leaders do which open them to criticism. 


#1 = Leaders clearly COMMUNICATE vision

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