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The Authority We Have Through Jesus (Sermon)

(coach) jc worley sermon of the week Dec 13, 2021

You’re not a victim. In fact, quite the opposite…

… you’re an overcomer who walks with authority. 

(Sure, something may have happened in the past— something someone else did which affected you. But, you have the opportunity to shed even that chapter, flip the page, and move to the next part of your story.)

As believers, Jesus has gifted us— 

  •  Authority to call on His name
  •  Authority to rebuke sickness
  •  Authority to use His Word in all its power

Want to tap into that power? 

Watch and see….


In this message, JC Worley, pastor at GoChurch (Atlanta and Maryland) concludes his summer series on the Sermon on the Mount.

You’ll learn how to tap into the full array of power that God’s presence brings.

(This message was preached on September 2, 2021.)

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