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What Love Always Does (Sermon)

(coach) mike ash sermon of the week Dec 20, 2021

During summer 2021, Grace Family Church taught a series titled “The Love Tour” WHILE ALSO driving a renovated VW bus around the Tampa area and sharing the love of Christ with others in tangible ways.

You see, love isn’t just a feeling or a thought… 

… it’s an action, something we do.


In this talk, Mike Ash gets practical about 1 Corinthians 13, highlight four things that love always does…

  •  It always protects (puts ourselves between the people we love and danger)
  •  It always trust (it places trust in the gap between exceptions and reality— not doubt)
  •  It always hopes (calls out something good in others which they might not even see in themselves) 
  •  It always perseveres (it never stops)

Notably, this is the way God loves us— so it’s an overflow of what God does TO us, so that we can then express that love THROUGH us…


This message was originally given at Grace Family Church on August 29, 2021.

Learn more about Mike’s church here: 

See more from Mike on his coaching page here.



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