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Heavyweight Contender (Sermon)

(coach) mike ash sermon of the week Feb 28, 2022

In this message, Mike Ash, a campus pastor at Grace Family Church in the Tampa area, kicks off a series targeted towards men (a series titled “Fight”). 

The goal of the series isn’t to beat men down but to build them up in their true identity.

Here’s why this talk matters— 

  • We don’t typically envision Jesus as a fighter. Rather, we see him as gentle.
  • But Scripture portrays a man who was tender at the right times and yet confident to stand firm against opposition— especially on behalf of the broken, need, and less powerful.

Mike offers 5 steps men can take now to position themselves to walk in true masculinity and fight for the things which matter the most. 



This talk was originally given at Grace Family Church on October 3, 2021.

Learn more about Mike’s church here: 

See more from Mike on his coaching page here.



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