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Blessed are the Peacemakers (Sermon)

(coach) shawn lovejoy sermon of the week Jan 03, 2022

Peace is something you must work at. It doesn’t happened automatically. You have to, as Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount, “make” it (Matthew 5:9).

Shawn Lovejoy, the founder of Courageous Pastors and, teaches us HOW to make peace with others in this talk and highlights that peace always falls on us to pursue.

  •  When someone sins against us, we pursue them (Matthew 18:15-18) in order to win the relationship, not win the argument. 
  •  When we sin against others, we— again— pursue them and seek their forgiveness (see Matthew 5:23).

Sure, it does’t always “work out.” But, Paul reminds us that— as much as is possible with us— leave that relational bridge open (Romans 12:18).

Shawn makes these concepts hyper-practical…


This message was preached at Northwood Church on October 24, 2021, where Jordan Ducote is the lead pastor(, when Shawn made a coaching site visit to meet with the team.

Jordan was featured on episode 008 of the Courageous Pastors Podcast.

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