The Most Important System In Your Organization *systems priorities

If you are the leader, there’s one system that matters more than others.

I’d be so bold to say it’ the most important system in the entire organization for the leader…


4 Ways to Become a More Disciplined Person *systems priorities progress

I actually don’t consider myself to be an extremely disciplined person. However, the people who know me best say I am one of the most disciplined people they know!

I will say I have worked...

How to Be a Do-What-You-Say-You-Will-Do Person blog priorities video

Ever heard a good leader say, “Don’t do what I do, do what I say?”

Umm… no!

We want to be people who have complete alignment between what we say and what we do…


Y is for "Yes" people priorities

We live in a “me-centered” society. 

“Take care of self” and “Look out for #1″ are phrases we’ve all heard tossed around, right? 

Sounds good in...

Stop Making Excuses-- and Go Forward passion priorities progress video

If you’re going to break through the next growth barrier, you must eliminate your excuses.

In fact, one of two things will set your agenda: your excuses or your dreams. 


3 Ways to Make Your Week More Productive (coach) kevin lloyd priorities purpose

My youngest daughter was a decent basketball player early on... but the team she was on was fantastic!

The reason was her coach. This lady taught, loved and lead those girls in ways I learned from....

3 Indicators of a Healthy Pastor (coach) shawn lovejoy priorities purpose

When I coach, my goal is to facilitate leadership growth and church health for pastors.

There’s a big word in there: Health

Health is a big deal to me. In my family, my ministry, my...

7 Things Pastors Should Do Every Monday (coach) kevin lloyd *systems priorities

If Monday were shoes, they'd be Crocs. 

While seeing a surge in popularity, Crocs will never be the coolest of shoes in my opinion.

Similarly, Mondays will never be the best of days for me...
