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Let's Start a Movement (Sermon)

sermon of the week video Mar 28, 2022

Some things need to change. 

First, we need to create a culture in which others can approach us— and point out our blind spots. 

(Several pastors have disqualified themselves over the past few years because they created a fear-based culture in which people can’t approach the senior leader with their concerns.)

Second, we need a culture where we foster togetherness with our team.

(Jesus routinely left the crowds to be with His disciples. We often stiff-arm our team to embrace the crowds.)

Third, we need to create a culture of courage…

(In the Bible, the miraculous almost always follows a— even if small— courageous act.)



This talk was given at the first-ever Courageous Pastors Gathering on February 21, 2022.

Learn more about The Gathering here = 


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